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    <allpages gapcontinue="Signup_Procedures" />
      <page pageid="12" ns="0" title="Shop Info:Heat">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">
First of all, expect the workshop to be cold in the winter. Plan to wear a sweater and anything else which will keep you warm.
We will _not_ be heating the workshop to a level of general comfort. This will just cost the workshop lots of money which could be better spent on tools.
If it is _way_ too cold to work then contact a Diyode Board member so the temperature can be adjusted.

The workshop is heated via hydronic heating (Hot water) that includes a hot water boiler, circulation pumps and radiators. The installed system is ancient circa 1978. 

Hydronic systems do not give out instant heat. They are meant to run at a constant temperature and should never be turned full up or full down. It takes a while for the boiler to make hot water and then a while for that hot water to make it to the radiators.

The Diyode Board will set the temperature at a set point and members will be able to adjust things from here.

No supplementary heaters will be allowed in the workshop! It is a fire hazard and will just transfer the cost of heating to the electricity bill. That's not what we want to do.

== Stuff from the Old workshop. No longer relevant for the new space == 

The workshop heating is done by a large forced-air gas heater hanging near the rear of the workshop.&lt;br/&gt;
It is control via the 'CodeShield Thermodyne 5000' or electronic thermostat which is located &lt;br/&gt;
beside the middle workshop door.
See below for operating instructions.&lt;br/&gt;
The Classroom is heated with an electric baseboard heater under the large window. &lt;br/&gt;
It's not a very efficient heater. It won't heat the room very quickly or to a comfortable level. &lt;br/&gt;
There is a separate thermostat for it located near the middle door. 
Make sure to turn the thermostat completely OFF when you leave.&lt;br/&gt;
There is no direct heating of the Cleanroom area.&lt;br/&gt;

=== CodeShield Thermodyne 5000 ===  
aka : The Furnace Controls

'''How to operate :'''

The CodeShield Thermodyne 5000 will maintain a minimum temperature of 10C all times.&lt;br/&gt;
&quot;But 10C is too cold for normal humans&quot; I hear you say!&lt;br/&gt;
Pressing BUTTON will start the heat cycle for 1 hour. During the heat cycle you&lt;br/&gt;
will see LED1 lit to indicate a heat cycle is in progress. You will also notice that&lt;br/&gt;
temperature of 21C will be maintained. LED2 will change between RED (Heating) and &lt;br/&gt;
GREEN (not heating) as the furnace maintains 21C.&lt;br/&gt;
The heat cycle will only last 1 hour from the last time you press BUTTON. After 1 hour the&lt;br/&gt;
CodeShield Thermodyne 5000 will return to the minimum temperature of 10C.&lt;br/&gt;
There is an alarm at 15 minutes left in the heat cycle to warn you. You can press BUTTON&lt;br/&gt;
at any time to start another 1 hour heat cycle.&lt;br/&gt;
The temperature can be checked by monitoring LED2. The RGB LED will blink out the &lt;br/&gt;
temperature every 5 seconds. &lt;br/&gt;
First it will blink the tens, then pause, then blink out the ones. &lt;br/&gt;
For a Temperature of 21C you will see 2 blinks, a pause, then 1 blink. &lt;br/&gt;
You will get an extra pause for the number 0.&lt;br/&gt;
The colour of LED2 matters. A GREEN blink indicates that the CodeShield Thermodyne &lt;br/&gt;
5000 is not in a heating cycle. a RED blink means that it is currently in a heating cycle. &lt;br/&gt;
To reset the heat cycle press the RESET button and the CodeShield Thermodyne 5000&lt;br/&gt;
will go back to maintaining a minimum temperature of 10C.&lt;br/&gt;
None of the other CodeShield functions work. But you may play with the knobs if you like!&lt;br/&gt;
      <page pageid="34" ns="0" title="Shop Rules and Safety">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">=GENERAL SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THE WORKSHOP=

* Think about what you are doing; think before you start a job and during the entire time you are doing it. Remember that your own personal caution is of more value to you than all the safeguards that can be set up.
* If you must work alone in the workshop, pause and consider what you would do in an emergency before using power tools.
* Never use a tool that you have not been certified to use. This applies in particular those tools that are labeled with a Red or Orange sticker. 
* Do not work in the shop if you are tired, or in a hurry.
* You may not use any tool in the workshop if you are impaired through the use of drugs or alcohol.
* Know where the tool off switch is. Turn off the tool immediately if something should go wrong.
* Do not tamper with or attempt to repair tools or equipment unless authorized.
* Defective tools are dangerous. Do not use them. If you find a tool that is broken or defective, report it in the tool tracker.
* If a tool is labeled as out-of-order or is in need of repair, do not use it!
* Only use a tool for its intended purpose.
* You should never have to remove or tamper with guards or safety devices on any tools. If you do remove or tamper with a guard it is your responsibility to put it back. You and the next person's safety are at risk.
* Inspect the tool for defects before using it. If it looks defective report it in the tool tracker. Don't ignore it! The next person who uses the tool may not notice the defect and could be injured as a result.
* Keep the area around the tool clean and free of clutter.
* Always use the appropriate personal protection equipment for the tool you are using.
* Report ALL hazards, unsafe conditions and work practices to the DIYode board.
* Never talk to or distract someone who is using any tool.
* Disconnect power before making adjustments to power tools. Do not service energized equipment.  For battery powered tools, remove the battery first.
* Tie up long hair and contain loose clothing before proceeding with power tools.
* Take appropriate fire prevention precautions when your work generates heat or sparks, or involves open flames or flammable liquids.
* Keep the shop clean and tidy. Clean up after you complete your work.
* Always return tools, equipment, and supplies back to their proper place.
* Do not cut material that contains nails or screws.
* Extra care should be taken when working with materials that have knots, irregular surfaces or other imperfections.
* Never leave a running tool unattended. 
* Avoid awkward operations and hand positions where a sudden slip could cause your hand or other body parts or parts yet to be defined to move into the cutting tool or blade.
* Use of a &quot;push stick&quot; to push material will keep your hands away from the cutting area. Jigs are also useful in keeping hands safe during cutting procedures. Keep hands out of the line of the cutting blade.
* Always be aware of what others are doing in the workshop around you.</rev>